Weekly Open Thread: What Races Are You Interested In?

I believe in elections, and elections believe in me.

11 thoughts on “Weekly Open Thread: What Races Are You Interested In?”

  1. this story caught my eye: http://www.postcresc

    The Republicans are going to hit Steve Kagen with everything they have got.  They view CD-8 as exclusive GOP turf and continue to blame everyone but themselves for John Gard’s loss to Kagen in 2006.

    As the saying appended to my postings hints, Congressman Kagen is a favorite of mine from the class of 2006.  Steve Cohen of TN, John Yarmuth of KY, and Nancy Boyda of KS would be the other three.

    GOP State Rep. Frank Lasee of Bellvue is an up and coming wingnut in Wisconsin.  In reaction to a school shooting Lasee introduced legislation allowing teachers, principals, and school administrators to carry guns in public schools.

    Rep. Steve Wieckert of Appleton is chomping at the bit to run as well.  He resents stepping aside to clear the path for John Gard’s campaign in 2006 and will not do so again, if he jumps into the race.

    I would expect a GOP primary in CD 8 in Wisconsin in 2008.  But I am cautiously optimistic that Kagen is well positioned to retain the seat at this time.  He is a serious man and is involved with health care issues and 2008 is a good time for a few Doctors to sit in the US Congress who are not merely Bill Frist//John Barrasso dogmatrons.

  2. Too much recent news for a comment, so I put it all in a diary.

    Thumbnail version: We have a strong Netroots and DCCC recruited candidate in John Unger. The Dem. primary field is essentially cleared, John Unger is out the gate with institutional fund-raising support, the DCCC is already providing air cover, and vulnerable Republican Rep. Shelley Moore Capito responded with a typical tin ear by welcoming Bush to the district on July 4th. Unger hit back with an ActBlue powered fund-raising appeal (a first in W.Va. politics). See diary for details, pictures and links.

    By all indications this is looking like a top-tier pickup opportunity for 2008.

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